Blackbody Comparison Makes Infrared Radiation Measurements of the Atmosphere More Reliable
Very good agreement shown for irradiance measurements made by novel lightweight Hemispherical Blackbody infrared reference developed in MetEOC projects when compared to reference Tilted Bottom Cavity BB2007 instrument of PMOD/WRC. Presented as an ePoster on Thursday 25 November 2021 at the the European Space Agency ATMOS-2021 conference, Blackbody Comparison Measurements for Improved Traceability of Longwave Downward Radiation Measurements (ID: 174), by Moritz Feierabend1, Julian Gröbner2, Max Reiniger1, Christian Monte1. —- Understanding climate change starts with understanding the greenhouse effect. This in turn requires knowledge about the infrared radiation that reaches the ground from the atmosphere – the so-called longwave downward radiation. Data on longwave downward radiation is being constantly collected by means of specific infrared detectors found at multiple stations around the globe. To …