MetEOC2 project begins

MetEOC2 has officially started with a meeting of all project partners at the National Physical Laboratory in the UK. MetEOC2 builds on the work of the MetEOC project which ends this month after three years. The following new organisations are welcomed as partners on the new project: CMI (Czech Republic), CNAM (France), CSIC (Spain), VSL (Netherlands), STFC (Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK) and UCL (UK). More information about these partners is available on our Partners webpage.
Back row (left to right): Christian Monte (PTB), Eliane Tabler (SFI Davos), Eija Honkavaara (FGI), Wolfgang Finsterle (SFI Davos), Paul Dekker (VSL), Theo Theocharous (NPL), Tim Nightingale (STFC), Mauro Rajteri (INRIM), Friedhelm Olschewski (BUW), Tomi Pulli (MIKES), Max Reiniger (PTB), Joaquin Campos (CSIC), Albert Adibekyan (PTB)
Middle row (left to right): Niall Origo, Nigel Fox (NPL), Bernard Rougie (CNAM), Florian Graber (NPL).
Front row (left to right): Emma Woolliams, Ella Garnham, Joanne Nightingale, Amelia Marks, Rainer Winkler (NPL)