The last few months are seen something of a flurry of papers related to MetEOC-4 published in peer-reviewed journals, each featuring innovative and impactful outcomes we encourage you to view and download. Four papers have been published so far this year out of a total of 15 to date. In addition, ahead of publication, the paper Traceability of surface longwave irradiance measurements to SI using the IRIS radiometers is available as a pre-print for rapid dissemination. Accessible papers freely viewable online are tabulated below. Dive in!   Lead author Title Journal Publication date Veronica Escober Ruiz A novel C-band radar-drone for forest canopy profile characterization International Journal of Remote Sensing 21 April 2023 Ilaria Cazzaniga AERONET-OC LWN uncertainties: revisited Journal of Atmospheric and …

Round-up of recently published papers authored by MetEOC-4 participants Read more »

Following a successful review by the European Space Agency, on 30 November 2022 the SHIPAS temperature measuring instrument developed by Research Centre Jülich and Wuppertal University, Germany was given the go-ahead to be included onboard a satellite scheduled to be launched into earth orbit in 2025. The high-resolution imaging instrument is capable of accurately measuring the temperature of the mesosphere and lower thermosphere, which are layers of the atmosphere sensitive to greenhouse gas concentrations and early indicators of global heating trends. Support for the mission is provided by the EU Horizon 2020 In-Orbit Demonstration and Validation (IOD/IOV) initiative, set up to test new technologies in orbit.  Approval means the SHIPAS instrument, which stands for Spatial Heterodyne Interferometer Performance Assessment in Space, …

SHIPAS satellite-based climate sensor developed with support from MetEOC projects approved for in-orbit testing Read more »

Marking a halfway reporting milestone, on 14 September 2022 EURAMET published its MetEOC-4 Publishable Summary that highlights significant recent progress made toward the long-term objective of the MetEOC series: development of an SI-traceable climate observation system. As with preceding projects in this series, MetEOC-4 encompasses a diverse range of research activities, structured according to four themes matching a set of predefined objectives. It continues existing, and initiates new, lines of research, developing tools, methods, and infrastructure capable of assigning metrologically (SI) traceable uncertainties to data products derived from Earth Observations, with a focus on climate change. More than half of the 54 atmosphere, land, and ocean Essential Climate Variables (ECVs) rely on measurements from space. These are physical, chemical, biological, or …

Roundup of progress in first eighteen months of MetEOC-4 Read more »

Very good agreement shown for irradiance measurements made by novel lightweight Hemispherical Blackbody infrared reference developed in MetEOC projects when compared to reference Tilted Bottom Cavity BB2007 instrument of PMOD/WRC.  Presented as an ePoster on Thursday 25 November 2021 at the the European Space Agency ATMOS-2021 conference, Blackbody Comparison Measurements for Improved Traceability of Longwave Downward Radiation Measurements (ID: 174), by Moritz Feierabend1, Julian Gröbner2, Max Reiniger1, Christian Monte1. —- Understanding climate change starts with understanding the greenhouse effect. This in turn requires knowledge about the infrared radiation that reaches the ground from the atmosphere – the so-called longwave downward radiation. Data on longwave downward radiation is being constantly collected by means of specific infrared detectors found at multiple stations around the globe. To …

Blackbody Comparison Makes Infrared Radiation Measurements of the Atmosphere More Reliable Read more »